
Showing posts from November, 2020

Playtest Post 2 (11/22/2020)

 Playtest Post Games Played: Plant Potter Start-Up! Hacking Mayhem Variation of Battleship Game Analyzing: Plant Potter Formal Elements: Players: 2 (You and your opponent.) Objective: Obtain 20 VP before your opponent does by planting plants and sabotaging your opponent’s garden. (Pretty much a race.) Procedures: Distribute 10 cards on to the playing field. Pick 4 cards out of the 10 on the playing field. Flip a coin to determine order. Play the cards (only 3 per turn!) Keep track of how many plants you have, how many days it’s grown, and how many points you have by writing it down. In the End of Day phase, calculate the amount of points you’ve earned (if any). Redistribute cards onto the playing cards until there are 10 of them again, to start the next round. Rules: Plan your moves accordingly so that you get more points than your opponent. Players start with a medium plant already planted (not grown, so you still have to wait for it to do so). Flip over the 10 cards on the playin...

Rulesheet Post (Group 11)

For our group, we chose my other teammate’s idea. The idea of our game was easy as a concept, but honestly kind of difficult to really get into. Basically, it was to have the player walk through some kind of “story” in a choose your own adventure type manner, and your opponent has the flowchart to your story. They will either choose to help you get the good ending or trick into a bad one so they get the good one for themselves. It sounds pretty good on paper, but then again, when you put in a little thought into it, a bunch of unanswered questions pop up. For example: What’s the point of making them trick each other in the first place? What’ll make them want to do that? What kind of ending will make a satisfying reward? Our first rulesheet was more like our barf up of ideas, since we were kind of pressed on time and my teammate hadn’t actually thought about a premise for the story. It was (and still is) quite unclean. We used the premise from my idea, which was a simple story of tw...