
Showing posts from September, 2021

SimpleDnD v3 Feedback (9/28/2021)

  Players: Owen as Ranger Enrique as Rogue      I would say that the players went through the map decently well, even if they didn’t really go towards the route I was intending they use. The players were able to kill the slimes just fine and reach the checkpoint alright, which is good. Players praised the layout of the map, as there were many open options of where to go and what to do. (They only went through one path though.) The flow of the map was a lot slower than I was expecting, since the timer already ran out shortly after the players reached the checkpoint and were about to face a boss. Although, the players didn’t get any items which would’ve probably made them lose immediately. The good thing about the game was that I was able to make people laugh with the sprites I used, which is always an external goal of mine when it comes to anything in life.      When the Ranger joined the Rogue that was attacking the slime in front of the door with the ...

Simple DnD Map v2 Postmortem (9/21/21)

Players: Owen G. as Rogue, Enrique C. as Warrior      The playtest this time went much better this time around. As I was able to put more brain power into devising the new version of the map, the map was much more fleshed out. I am actually kind of proud of this one. For this map, I decided to split the players into different sides. They would have to defeat two easy enemies, avoid the Blue Eyes White Dragon, collect the keys on the other side, and defeat Big Boss. I figured the easy enemies would be easy challenges (I didn’t use them both to attack the players at once) so the real challenge would be to avoid or attack Blue Eyes White Dragon. The area is big enough for at least one chance of getting hit. I didn’t want it to be too much of a challenge, so I decided to roll for whether the dragon noticed you and attacked. I also wrote in text how the map worked, but I ended up having to explain it out anyway.      Pretty much everything went alright, minus th...