3D Game Level 1 v2 Feedback (11/15/21)
Making this level in Unity was an incredibly turbulent experience. One of the crucial parts of my level design didn’t work, and I had to scramble in order to make it playable and turn it in before the deadline. I basically had to ruin everything. There are a lot of glaring mistakes in there. There’s an info zone I forgot to take out (it was for a switch that was in the previous version). The door that’s supposed to open at the end of the level doesn’t even work. Also the health crate doesn’t actually heal anything. Although surprisingly, people were able to get around the door this time as well. Initially, my plan was to have the player climb up the stairs and then go through some doors that would take you to an area where you’d find a switch and use it to unlock the door. But weirdly enough, the transition prefabs provided in the 3D Gamekit didn’t do a thing. I was pretty sure I followed the tutorial correctly, so I’m not really sure what was up ...