Grapple Gliders - Sprint 2

The sprint this time felt a lot more difficult. I definitely wanted to take a smaller amount since I was going to participate in the 24 HOURS animation jam and I needed to begin the breakout project in 280. After all, I spent most of my homework time in the first sprint actually working on the prototype. Mainly what I did this sprint was adding in Player UI and beginning to make enemies. The UI was pretty simple, but of course, enemies were a lot more difficult. For the UI, all I did was add in score, lives and a clock that told the player how much time elapsed. These were pretty simple and it literally took about 20 minutes. For the clock I basically googled how to make it display in minutes and seconds instead of just seconds. I’m glad that was really easy as I definitely didn’t want to spend time on that. At the moment, there’s no way to actually gain score points yet since I haven’t finished working on the enemy and the lead hasn’t worked on a way to defeat them. For ene...