
Showing posts from October, 2022

Grapple Gliders - Sprint 2

The sprint this time felt a lot more difficult. I definitely wanted to take a smaller amount since I was going to participate in the 24 HOURS animation jam and I needed to begin the breakout project in 280. After all, I spent most of my homework time in the first sprint actually working on the prototype. Mainly what I did this sprint was adding in Player UI and beginning to make enemies. The UI was pretty simple, but of course, enemies were a lot more difficult.  For the UI, all I did was add in score, lives and a clock that told the player how much time elapsed. These were pretty simple and it literally took about 20 minutes. For the clock I basically googled how to make it display in minutes and seconds instead of just seconds. I’m glad that was really easy as I definitely didn’t want to spend time on that. At the moment, there’s no way to actually gain score points yet since I haven’t finished working on the enemy and the lead hasn’t worked on a way to defeat them. For ene...

Grapple Gliders - Sprint 1

     For the first sprint, I tasked myself with starting up the super basics of the digital prototype: ground movement, jumping, and gliding. At kickoff, I wasn’t really sure what the level design would look like, so I decided to take care of the early programming. I did not do the grappling mechanic in this sprint because I wasn’t sure how the lead wanted it, so it was decided that he would do it in the next sprint. I also added the extra task of making the grapple target trigger, since it’s less work for the lead to program when trying to do the grappling mechanic. Luckily, since 280 went over the new Unity Input System and an easy way to do movement, I was able to get that task finished pretty quickly. Although, at first, I didn’t realize that the player character wasn’t technically always moving “forward” since the camera angle didn’t change. Thankfully, that was a simple change. Jumping was also easy as well since that was also covered in 280. For now, I left it so...