Fast Food Tycoon - Sprint 3
Sprint 3 was a hectic sprint due to the playtest we had. Continuing my role as a 2D Artist, I made a few more sprites that represented the appliances, as well as a few more UI assets. I also worked on sketching out our marketing assets to prepare for the playtest, but apparently we didn’t need that. The sketches were just bare outlines anyway. Sketch of the Feature Graphic In the buy screen, I’d like the player to be able to upgrade their appliances, so I made sprites for the drink machine, flat top, fridge, and fryer. In ibisPaint X, there’s a “rectangle” tool you can use with the brush so that you can draw raster rectangles. It’s not like the Photoshop one, which makes a vector shape. Like in modeling, the appliances don’t require a lot (or any, actually) of curves, so I could easily just make rectangles, edit them with perspective transform, and build from there. My job was made a lot easier by the fact that the appliances were already modeled, so I could use them as refer...