Aftershock Simulator - Sprint 22
In this second sprint, I think I can say our team was able to get some work done. The marketing team meetings really eat into class time, which is kind of annoying, but at least we are mostly out of the pre-production phase. The other people on the team still need some time to familiarize themselves with the project. Meanwhile, our programmer went to work on creating an “earthquake scheduler” scriptable object that could be used to plan out the earthquakes so that users could potentially create their own scenario and see how the earthquakes affect the map at certain times. I really like that the programmer made documentation even someone like me, a less than middling programmer, can understand. At the moment, we’re waiting for the earthquake data from the USGS scientists to come in so we can make sure that the scriptable object is accurate. Our team had to meet up with the marketing team to talk about creating a new name for the game, as “Aftershock Forecaster...