
Showing posts from October, 2023

Chicken Scramble - Sprint 4

  For this sprint, the goal was to get a new level in. We have it in there, and you can play through it, but obviously it’s still unfinished. I spent the entire night before sprint review thinking that we needed to get it done right now, so I ended up rushing the programmer to fix a bug with the mazekeeper transitioning to the next level (which he did but he ended up forgetting to do some of his own homework that was due that day). I feel really bad about rushing him, but the act of putting together a new build actually turned out to be a good idea. When I tested the build out on the high performance computers in the library, the frame rate was absolutely terrible. It’s a good thing I saw this problem now and not later when we actually do need the build out. Footage of the current build.      At the moment, I’m not exactly sure what is causing the bad frame rate. In our game, we’re putting all the levels in one main scene so that we don’t have to mess with scene tran...

Chicken Scramble - Sprint 3

For this sprint, the goal this sprint was to improve the mazekeeper AI and then add in items. From the playtest of our core gameplay prototype, we had learned a few things, mainly that the mazekeeper was way too aggressive. As for the dev work I did, I started work on creating the level select menu and sprites for the items that the player gets. Players liked our prototype, which was great. They said it was very easy to understand. One critique was that the mazekeeper was way too aggressive. If it gets you near the spawn point, you’re essentially softlocked there since you’re always close enough to the mazekeeper for it to chase after you. The task of programming the AI was a more challenging and time consuming task, so instead of having it chase you if you are in its line of vision, it chases you if you are a certain distance away from it. Because I was rushing a bit to build the prototype, I inevitably ended up missing some things. One was that the mouse sensitivity was much too high...