
Showing posts from October, 2020
  Unit 2 Postmortem (Group 11) Game Summary: This is a competitive card game. The goal of the game is to make a skeleton in order to gain control. To make a skeleton, 2 arm bones, 2 leg bones, a tail bone, a back bone, and a skull are required to be on the player’s field. Once you have the skeleton, you have the choice of continuing the round to have a chance at earning double points or stopping the round there and scoring the points. Target Audience: It is a two player game, for ages 40+. This is a fairly simple game, and simple card games that are mostly “mind-gamey” definitely appeal to the older audience. The creation of the game went fairly well. To be honest, with the dinosaur theme we were given, the only thing I could think up was to do something with bones. The first idea I came up with was very similar to the one we presented, in that you make a skeleton and have the choice to control the game. At first, I really wanted to make several sets of skeletons, and maybe even ha...


  Playtest Post Games Played: Strategic Farming (Group 2) Sport Ants [there was no name for it :/] (Group 10) Retail Escape (Group 12) Food Fight (Group 14) Game Analyzing: Strategic Farming Formal Elements: Players: 2 (You and your opponent.) Objective: Create the most successful farm. (Make a profit.) Procedures: Rolling a die to determine the amount of moves you can do in a turn When a worker is out for too long, the player has to draw a chance card. Actions you can do: Move workers, cows, and pigs Buy more workers, cows, and pigs, dice Sell off meat, milk, and cows Sacrifice a pig for meat Obtain the range (if you have enough money) Rules: Plan your moves accordingly so that you gain enough of a profit and also survive winter. You need 4 meats and $200 dollars to survive Winter. Make sure to not have the workers stay out too long, or you’ll have to draw a chance card for every day they’re out too long! Effects of the Chance Cards: Bad Storm/Sick Day: Skip a turn A cow/pig has g...

Rule Sheet Development Process (Group 11)

 Rule Sheet Development Process (Group 11) Dinosaurs and logic are certainly two topics that are quite random. But, our group was able to come up with an idea very quickly (even if it was only just the one.) I came up with the idea of putting together bones to make a skeleton, as that is one of the first things you think about when you think of the theme “dinosaur.” Here is how the game works. Essentially, you play cards to the field in order to make a skeleton. Getting a skeleton allows you to either gain points from all the cards you’ve played (and move to the next round), or continue the round for a chance to gain double points when getting another skeleton. (These pictures don't show all of the rules, but this is the gist of it.) In the beginning, we were planning to make multiple sets of skeletons to create, and those sets would be different amounts of points. But I can not photoshop that quickly, and so the idea was scrapped. In the very first version of our rulesheet (before...