
Showing posts from September, 2023

Chicken Scramble - Sprint 2

  For the second sprint, the goal was to make a level ready for the playtest. The development was quite turbulent as I feel that most of the work ended up getting rushed at the end, but we were able to meet the goal and have something ready. What I mainly did was design some more menus in the game and then combine everyone’s work in Unity so that we would have the level ready to playtest. I ended up staying up late making sure that there was everything needed to have the core game mechanic in the prototype. For the UI menus, I created a pause menu and an options menu. The pause menu was fairly straightforward. All I put in there were continue, options, and back to level select buttons. Although, I saw that in one of my other teammates’ example menus, he included a restart button, so I’ll have to incorporate that in the future. We were planning on making the pause button be able to unpause while on the pause menu, but I wasn't able to get it working for some reason, so I suppose...

Chicken Scramble - Sprint 1

  To start off, this first sprint was kind of disorderly. Since we’re using a completely new project management tool with no prior experience, it took some time to get used to (and still getting used to it). I suppose for my other teammates it wasn’t a big deal but it was an added pound of stress to my shoulders as the producer. To add to that, there was some confusion between me and the designer as to what the whole game idea and aesthetic was. My original idea for the game was a multiplayer maze in which the goal was for two players to compete to get to the other side of the maze. We could have ways for the players to mess around with each other, like using door switches to open and close doors. To clear up the confusion on what we were building, we set up a meeting to talk about it. To prepare, I made a design map of what I thought it should look like. (In the picture, the blue dots are door switches, yellow dots are checkpoints, and the red dot is where the enemy spawns. Bl...